Use Advanced Find to Create a Report (Multiple Programs)

Use Advanced Find to create your own reports or to find records for an email list. There is a slight difference in how you use Advanced Find depending on whether you are over one program or multiple programs. If you are over several programs, you will need to use the Alignment Method, as explained in this section. Note: Since it is possible for a student to be in more than one program over time, student records are aligned with programs.

In this example, we will create a list of incoming ninth-grade students in a program.

  1. At the top of any page, under Menu, click Advanced Find.

  1. At the top of the Advanced Find screen, click Advanced Find.

  1. In the Look for drop-down menu, select Alignments.


  1. Click Select, and select Program.

  1. Click Enter Value, and then click the Search button.



  1. Click the program you want to view to highlight the program, and click Select. Then click Add.

Note: If you want to view information for more than one program, select all of the desired programs before clicking Add.


  1. Click Select, and select Student under the Related section.


  1. Under Student, click Select, and select Grade.

  1. Click Enter Value, and click the button with three dots.


  1. Click the grade number you want information about, such as 9, to highlight it. Click the right arrow button to move it to the Selected Values list, and click OK.


  1. At the top of the Advanced Find screen, click Search. You now have a list of all the ninth-grade students in that stake.

  1. Click Export Students to export the list.

  1. After you click Export Students, select Static worksheet with records from this page. Or, if there is more than one page of data and this second option is shown, select Static worksheet with records from all pages in the current view to export all of the names. Then click Export.
  1. Customize and print the report in Excel.


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